Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010


if we
through the
you can be a
and i'll wear a
then maybe i will
let go
but maybe not;

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Recognizing the First Steps of Rejection

is a little tune,
like singing,
but with your mouth closed.
is a mammal,
that eats and drinks, usually,
and has lots of feelings.
is a good way to be,
like compassionate and kind,
kind of like my mom.
is HUMming too loud and at the wrong time but
is HUMan and
still happens to really HUMane people.
and also humiliation is really just trying too hard maybe you know what i mean

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Baby Willow

I can be shallow
and I can be sad.

I can sit on my bed,
in the safe darkness of my room,
and hug my knees to my chest
trying to lose myself in the music and the words
because I feel like I'm slipping.

I can sit on the grass,
cross-legged with my best friends,
getting high on August air
laughing so hard that I can't squeeze my hands into fists
and it hurts my abs from yesterday's workout.

I can sit in the woods,
by myself,
and think by the waterfall
of the big things in the world and also of the small things
and know that I'm connected to it all.

I can sit with my grandpa,
and learn about race horses,
and about buying low and selling high
and sports and culture and kindness and the big picture,
and mostly about life.

I can sit under a full moon,
or in a pile of snow,
and I can feel 5 years old and 15 years old and 100 years old
but no matter how old I am
there is still so much to figure out.

But I can stand up,
for what I believe in, and who I believe in,
because I do believe,
in people, and in science, and in nature, and the in world,
and also, I believe in myself.

I can be shallow
and I can be sad.

I think if you read my poems you might understand.


I taste each word.
I savor each sentence.
The wit
The grace
The thought
(am I still holding on to this)

I think with my brain and I feel with my heart
(just like everyone else)
(it's not like everyone else)
(i'm not everyone else)

i mix the present with the memories into an odd brilliant package like nothing i've ever known before.
And my mom gives me a small sympathetic smile as i sink on to the floor and put my hands on my head and say
(does it have to be like this)
(is this so beautiful)

Friday, December 17, 2010


A puddle of indigo
Just leaked out of me
*well, that's embarrassing*
not really.

That's me.

I jumped,
and they said,
"You're Bold"
"You're Brave"
So I smile to cover the shame that is leaking out of me.
So it doesn't mix with the indigo.

A bit of the Atlantic finds its way to my tear ducts,
and then is has found my lips.

The music notes are green.
Such a deep green.

But when the
that flows through my veins
to the vessels of my heart
escapes my body;
that is when I am raw.

And to Think Thursdays were my Favorite

It was a day,
when I had to remind myself,
"Nobody died. This is going to be okay. At least nobody died".
And then I tell myself,
"TomorrowisFriday TomorrowisFriday youcanmakeit TomorrowisFriday".
Then I remember that somebody did die.
Then I remember that people are always dying.
And then I remember that Friday is just one day closer to dying.
And people die on Fridays all the time.
And now, I'm not making myself feel better.
And then I think,
why should I feel good?
Everyone is dying.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Dad is The Bird Guy

Bob-white, Bob-white.
Kill-deer, kill-deer, kill-deer.
Whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will.
Lil-lee, lil-lee.
When do I get my wings?

January = ?

So I said,
"I have that same ipod."
And You said,
"What is a Snickerdoodle?"
In October.
I said,
"Want to come back for hot chocolate?"
And You said,
"I want to live in New York City."
In November.
And then I said,
"My grandma came home from the hospital last night."
And You said,
"The Bee Gee's? Really?"
In December.
We went on the swings and we went on the bus and we went in the halls and we went in the street and You said,
"I like to sing, but not in front of people."
and You said,
"You can have the rest of this, it's too chocolate-y."
and You said,
"I have read The Catcher in the Rye so many times."
And then today You leaned on me and we both smiled and I pet your flannel shirt and said,
"I like this."
Then we watched people getting hurt on that video and it was 7:10 am but we laughed and laughed.

Have You Ever Listened to Two Songs at the SAME Time?

(oops I missed my cue)
(sorry it was late)
Now how about somebody asks me how it feels lately?
You know how it feels?
There is a thunderstorm inside my stomach.
It is going CRAZY in there.
And honestly, it feels really
in there.
And there is thunder in my head.
and it makes it so hard to THINK with everything booming around.
And the lightning flashes in my eyes.
Just lay off, ya know?
I'm trying to READ and stuff.
Sometimes things are so simple and nice and then the clouds start to move into my brain and they're not scary, depressing clouds, they just make it so... CLOUDY in there.
It's just...
It's just...